
Tuesday 20 March 2018

5 - 7 - 10 writing

The mysterious reader

I have a little sister named Kiara and she is addicted to books.
In the morning she reads books then in the afternoon she
reads and even past her bedtime she reads. She’s read over
500 books and that’s for a fact! She started reading when she
was 5 years old and she’s been reading ever since that day.
She is still reading books as she is heading off to college and
I find weird how she's 13 and still reading books. I mean I
thought she was gonna be one of those fan girls of one of
those boy bands. She pretty much reads and reads.


Today in writing we have been learning about 5 - 7 - 10
writing. Our goal was to write a character description about
a young girl reading a lot of books. The 5 stands for
5 minutes of writing, 7 minutes of sharing your learning
to others and 10 minutes of editing our description.

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